Monday, April 14, 2008

Computer Effect to Teenager

On the internet, a child doesn't have to persuade someone that he is 18, doesn't need money, and doesn't have to go through an embarrassing exchange over the counter. The internet has made a profound difference to the ease with which children are exposed to pornography and the kinds of pornography they see.
In using email or visiting websites, children can be coerced into viewing pornography. Most porn sites offer free tours, and any 14 years old can get in by clicking on a button to say he is 18.
Boys that look at violent, raw images often develop a disrespectful attitude towards girls, while girls seem to become accepting of that kind of attitude from boys.
"The internet gives children a very negative message about sex, that it is connected with lewdness, rather than being attached to the human body and with a loving relationship." children and family therapist and author Meri Wallace said.
Beyond the emotional and psychological damage the images might do to youngsters, there is also the threat of physical harm not just from engaging in unprotected sex, but from coming to believe that the abuse shown on some sites or the images of children engaging in sex with adult is normal, the psychologist said.
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